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kinder bueno
one step at a time

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. anyways , im Rafidah Bte M.Nasir . 15 years old . presents on 15 December :) live . laugh . love .

wish list

Lose weight .
but always cannot make it :(

heart talking

alternative exits.

Kakak Hadzah♥
Kakak Fika♥
Alep :D !
Farah fafarella♥
Sairah Squirrel♥

the past

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Monday, May 31, 2010

Hi assalamualaikum :)
" Even the best fall down sometimes . Even the stars refuse to shine ."
Okay it's already 1.20 am i need to sleep and wake up at 7 am . School :(
Goodnight Love .


1:19 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Assalamualaikum :)
Aisyah hurry come home ! i miss you already . And let's go to town before i make my way to Cambodai kay ? i need to buy a nice cool looking cap :)
Goodbye Love .


8:26 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Assalamualaikum :) Today is a very interesting day . Ouh yess i cant wait to go to Cambodia on the 8th of June . SHOPPING YEAY !!! Hopefully i can meet aisyah before she make her way to Malaysia tomorrow . Papa , mama and nadia are screaming and laughing because of the Ninja Worrior show hahahahaha funny . Goodbye love . And God can you please let me meet ShahRukh khan ? Insyallah :)


8:16 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hi Assalamualaikum . All i feel like saying is i miss han , chong and you . Kay goodnight love . 


9:40 PM

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hi Assalamualaikum :) Okay for today school was alright . We only had chemistry and english lesson . And the rest free period YEAY ! After school me and Chong meet up with Sairah , Farhanis , Amirah and Han . We accompanied Chong to cut his hair and accompanied Han to eat his lunch at Ljs and thanks for treating us the fries . Han and Chong made their way to Victoria JC for the YOG thing and i wont see them for 3 days . And as they said bye and gave a slight slap on my face and walk away i start to miss them already . HURRY HURRY MEET ME AFTER YOUR YOG THING END FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS KAY YOU TWO !!! And yess slacked a lOT of laughter went on among me , Sairah , Farhanis and Amirah ! Laughed and laughed like an idiot until stomach cramp and tears HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . Funny babes ! I like :) And went home with Amirah and laugh agian HAHAHA . And im thinking of my results now . WTH . Okay goodbye love :)


6:46 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hi assalamualaikum :)
it's 1.35 am now and i just got back home . Today is a family day :)
papa , mama , nadiah and i went to railway station to check out the price of some travelling thing to malaysia for a holiday . Than we ate dinner outside and went to Mustafa Centre :)
and while we were at Mustafa Centre there is this suuupeeer hot awesome pakistan dude ! i like :)
than went back home and went to east coast to eat Mc Donalds . Yess i know fat ! eat eat and eat yuummy nice :)
will be going jogging with Sairah the Squirrel later in the morning . She'll call me and insyallah i can wake up .
Ouh yess not you see that handsome shahrukh khan dude on top there . He is the bomb ! I would really love to meet him in real life . And it may sound impossible but hey hey it is possible ! Expect the unexpected ! Hahahaha .
insyallah one day i will meet him and hug him and kiss him ! HAHAHAHA okay no i shall just hug him and bring him home ;)
okay i should sleep now .
Goodnight Sweetdreams SRK !


1:32 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hi Assalamualaikum :) For today school was alright . But i felt sleepy in class and felt like sleeping . I have already got back all my results and i dont wish to talk about it . I feel bad towards papa and mama . They spend so much money on me and my education and they dont even complain to me about cash but i know they work very hard and all i do is give them suckish marks . I did study like an asshole but still i didnt make it . It's okay i believe Allah will help me . Insyallah amin . Anyways after school i meet farhanis , amirah , sairah and han . But meet sairah for awhile only and she went for her art . So yess than me , yaya , farhanis , amirah and atikah had a meeting with Ms Ng . And yess than meet up with han and adam again and went to street to pLay street soccer and i became the goalkeeper because i was too lazy to run after the ball ! Hahaha . Than sairah joined us too :) And sairah has blister on her foot now Ouch and adam has it too ! So yess went back home with Han and crazy stuff happened inside the bus . And Han dare me to do something stupid in the bus . So i did it and in the end he shy Hahahaha crazy ! So yeaap . Goodnight Love :)


9:04 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hi assalamualaikum :) okay today is a rainy cool windy day I Like ! A very nice day to sleep but sadly i had to wake up early to go to school boohooo . And we got most of our results already . And honestly , i have no comments but i know i can improve and do better . YES i can :) after school me , han and chong meet up with farhanis , amirah and sairah and we went to Ljs hahaha talked and laughed and yaya came along . And sairah's stomach made some problem and i pity her get well soon alright . And had a talk with her about some stuff . And han ass last minute text me to surprise chong at his house hahaha . And when mama came back home from work she started nagging at me and said my phone bill too high and she said she'll cut off my allowance for next week :( Okay that's for today . Goodbye love . And i love papa . Yess that lek kul pa .   


8:29 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hi assalamualaikum :) I was suppose to go out with Yaya , Aidyl , Faris , Adam and Danial today but papa didnt allow so as a good daughter i should respect his decisions . So yess i spend my whole day at home with abang Faizal . All he did was watch tv . And all i did was watch nice movies at youtube and sleep hahaha . I did enjoy my holiday today :) Im kindda nervous for my Mid year results tomorrow but if i did badly than it's okay . I'll try harder for Prelims and try my Very Best for N levels . Insyallah amin :) And ouh yess the song Broken by Sezairi Sezali is the bomb ! I like . Goodbye Love :) Takecare . 


10:03 PM

Monday, May 17, 2010

fake eyebrow okay !

Hi assalamualaikum .
i didnt finish painting my art :(
it's okay . will be gong picnic tomorrow ! YEAY YEAY YEAY insyallah !
am talking on the phone with tallest now :)
and yess this was what papa said to abang "If you really love/like someone , let it go . If it comes back , it's yours . If it doesnt , it never was ."
goodbye love :)


10:35 PM

Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Farhanis Happy 16th Birthday May ALL Your Wish Come True okay :)
Birthday present tomorrow alright !
so basiclly all i did yesterday was . I woke up at 2.25 pm and watched Dhan dana dhan Goal :) it is a nice show handsome dudes playing football I LIKE !
than at night watched shrek 2 hahaha funny show and horror movie niyang rapik with family :)
for today woke up at 2.15 pm and didnt went jogging with Sairah Squirrel hahaha . LAZY :)
okay will be having art tomorrowand im nervous :( i know what to do but im just nervous hahahahaha insyallah can amin :)
okay i WANT TO MAKAN !
goodbye love :)


4:16 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2010

HI !
I AM very reluctant to do this but im FORCED TOO .
here i am promoting him :)
so ladies my handsome friend is quite a good catch :)

12:46 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010

HI assalamualaikum :)
YEAY im left with only art and im done with mid year . Hahahaha only mid year :(
So yess today had geography and i excidently slept for the paper . After school had breakfast with yaya than meet up with sairah so the three of us chit chatted and yaya nd i showed sairah our passport picture HAHAHAHAHAHA damn funny i tell you !
laugh so loud until people looked and yaya stomach pain HAHAHAHA .
Okay after that me and sairah stayed back for art :) and yess i did some painting to warm myself up for monday hahahaha .
Stayed back till around 3 plus . After that me and sairah went to street to meet Han , Faris , Adam , Aqilah , Alvin small and Dheenan :) and Yaya came too :)
and sairah kept on yelling at those dudes whom played soccer like shit ! HAHAHAHA funny much .
Than went back home with Han and when han and i was inside the bus his leg cramp and he had to like hop while going out of the bus HAHAHAHAHA funny !
OKAY . Sweetdreams love :)


10:40 PM

Monday, May 10, 2010

HI . Screw your words dude :) Goodnight Love . 


11:09 PM

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hi assalamualaiku :)
Tallest thanks for the previous post below . I love you and i really really do . Thanks for always being there for me . thanks for listening to my problems and everything . only allah knows how i feel .

Thursday : After school stayed back for art with sairah and had a heart to heart talk with Mdm Faz and later with sairah the squirrel :')
after that meet kakak hadzah , went home , took a shower , went out with kakak hadzah :)
went to get MC and freaking cost her $46 plus plus HAHAHAHA . Than went to buy some stuff walk walk and home sweet home .

Friday : After school meet Han slacked talked than went to meet sairah . went home shower , watch malay drama , talk to papa and went to airport to study :) and i did learn something okay ! i learned how to make paper airoplanes :) and yess went study with sairah , syakur , irfan and the two shafiq :) and will upload the pictures soon :)

Saturday : Woke up at 3 pm , shower and watch Aladin . it is a good show sweet . than around 6 pm went to aunty house to celebrate Mother's Day in advance and went to read mama a letter i wrote to her infront of everyone . honesty , i almost shed tears when i hugged my mama . than played games , cut cake and watch this thailand ghost story Eye Ten . Damn good show everyone was screaming ! HAHAHAHA . reach home after midnight and talked to Tallest until 5am plus plus and slept like a pig .

Sunday Today : Woke up at 3.30pm . shower , eat , Tallest and here i am blogging :)
will be having tuition later at 8.30pm . and wil be having physics and social studies paper tomorrow . my instincts tells me that im going to screw my social studies paper :(
and i feel like sleeping again !
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers i know :)

Goodbye love :)


4:18 PM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hi babe, you feel me now?

Youre scared, it shows, been there
Youre not prepared to be, in love, with me
So soon cause youve been through enough to have, something hold you back

We dont need to go that far
Lets hold on to where we are
If its real we`ll make it through
Cause all I need is you

They say, dont waste your time
Theyre obviously blind

So lets, forget
The words the thoughts they put into your head
Dont give up just yet

We dont need the world right now
We got time to work it out
Hold on tight, I`ll hold on too
Cause I need is you

Baby, maybe we should start somewhere
Baby, let me in your heart
Before we fall apart

We dont need the world right now
We got time to work it out
Hold on tight, I`ll hold on too
Cause all I need is you
All i need is you

9:53 PM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HI ASSALAMUALAIKUM :) Today's malay paper was like deep fried chicken mc nugget . Insyallah can pass . Amin . So today my class and i had an excursion trip to ITE simei . Sounds lame right i know but actually it was not bad . And i did saw some familiar faces and i did saw Sairah's Squirrel walking and so i called her to inform her that i saw squirrel and she thought i was playing a prank on her ! Tsk . Okay yess i just meet kakak hadzah :) Will be meeting her again tomorrow YEAY ! Han just texted me saying that he aint coming to school cos he tired and having a bad flu . Get Well Soon Akhtar Sheehan Bin Akbal Ahmad :)


9:47 PM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hi ASSALAMUALAIKUM :) I have already found my new love . It is my new SKIRT and HEY HEY IT'S AWESOME TO THE MAX !! I kept on staring at it :) Okay today's english paper was not bad . But screw it my tummy hurts the whole time :( After school check out some haircut hahaha . Meet aisyah too laughed and talk talk :) and to Amirah and Farhanis sorry kay i'll buy you two crispy delicious Kinder Bueno . Okay i want to eat :) Wait sometimes i wonder , why am i always eating . IM SUPPOSE TO LOOSE WEIGHT REMEMBER ! TSK . Goodbye love .


7:36 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010

WISH YOU WERE HERE WITH ME BABE. I miss you already :(

Here`s wishing you all the best in your upcoming tests! Youve tuition in about an hours time!! SEE YOU SOON I LOVE YOU LONG TIME HAW HAW :D

7:07 PM

Hi assalamualaikum :)
today is a sleepy eating study day .
I was suppose to meet up with Han and Chong but plans canceled .
have been texting Tallest from just now . Ouh god i miss her already :(
and yess i did study for my english today and will be having tuition later at 8.30pm
i have nothing much to say .
Ouh yess cinammon meltz and strawberry hello panda FOR THE WIN !!! HAHAHAHA it taste good when it meets my taste buds :)
Goodbye love .


6:54 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hi assalamualaikum :) i have been eating croisant and reading my book for the past 2 hours . Fat shit :) so today i didnt went jogging with Sairah The Squirrel she overslept and i had last minute family plans . Today han is crazy please and thank you :) I hope tomorrow me , han and chong will be able to slack with each other .
I suck :( i should be studying for my Mid Year but what the hell am i doing ! Im eating , going out , reading books that has nothing to do with my studies , sleeping ! DAMN SCREW IT !
sweetdreams love :)


10:03 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hi assalamualaikum :)
so it's labour day . Aisyah's here today ! YEAY ! so basically all we did today was sleep , wake up , eat , than talk , sleep again , wake up and eat :) YESSSS we Rock !
Aisyah has been wanting to eat Frolicks from just now :( she is totally addicted to it and i dont know what to do . She is willing to travel all the way from my house to Tampines One just t0 eat Frolicks :( HAHAHA funny she .
Nadiah the younger sister is irritating she call me Fat . Hahahaha .
Han im sorry for not being able to go simpang with you today night .
Goodbye love !


6:47 PM