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kinder bueno
one step at a time

days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change. anyways , im Rafidah Bte M.Nasir . 15 years old . presents on 15 December :) live . laugh . love .

wish list

Lose weight .
but always cannot make it :(

heart talking

alternative exits.

Kakak Hadzah♥
Kakak Fika♥
Alep :D !
Farah fafarella♥
Sairah Squirrel♥

the past

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Assalamualaikum , Amir Khan is handsome :) im melting like crazy now .
hahahaha . anyways , yesterday papa mama nadiah i aisyah nazurah and zakiah went to Jalan Kayu to eat our late dinner . SEDAP ! and all of us felt damn full after eating , like swine .
and than went to some beach and there was a lot of people . and the smell of beach is covered with the smell of people BBQ-ing ! i like .
than we cousins talk talk laugh laugh and we all went back home at around midnight :)
i have to finish up my homework ! TSK .
goodbye :)


3:03 AM

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Assalamualaikum ! :) all i want to say is krahs rouy .


8:47 PM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello Assalamualaikum :]
I still think of you before going to bed .
i think , i miss you and i dont know what to do .
than how ?


8:18 PM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today, I have had enough , I think. Having to put up with your nonsense and your one-of-a-kind-attitude for close to four years now, I really do not know what I did to deserve this .
I have friends , many of them . Some pretty some good looking some tall some not very tall some cute some not very cute some funny some not very funny some rich some not very rich some snobbish some rude friends too while at it but all of them are true honest sincere and genuine friends of mine .

Today I realise, a true friend is one who truely cares about you and would accept you for who you are. A true friend wouldnt judge you just because youre not as cool as they are .
A true friend wont mind you having many other friends because deep down you both know that you can always count on each other .
A true friend wouldnt bitch about their friend behind their backs .
A true friend wouldnt think you are making use of her even if you are not always by her side for 24 hours because ultimately a true friend can tell if your in trouble and will always come knocking on your door to comfort you .
A true friend wouldnt lie to you .
YOU are everything a true friend is not . Today i realise my true friend was never true .

so in conclusion today i lost a friend .


6:42 PM

Thursday, March 11, 2010

assalamualaikum sweet people :) i feel no good now . well that's because i was sick yesterday and i thought i will be okay by today morning . but sadly , i wasnt . when i woke up in the morning i felt better but once i reach school only i felt sick again :( ayways , i have already received my common test results . well it's not-that-bad , i know i can do better . YES I CAN :) and and i improve my maths AWESOME huh ! im happy . for humanities i have to put in more effort . for art i have to get a A1 , well that is what papa said hehehe . chong got suspended from school today , and the reason is because he slept in class . how lame can my teacher possibly be ! suspending a student because he sleeps in class . tsk , fyi everyone sleeps in class . but still lucky chong , holiday is starting next week so yess he has an early holiday :) okay i have to go eat my medicine . goodnight love :) 


8:18 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Assalamualaikum friends :] im blogging with my phone again . my english , social studies , malay and chemistry paper has already been done ! im over it and i think i can pass my english and malay insyallah . my chemistry 50 50 and i know i will for sure fail my social studies :( and that is damn sad i never pass social studies for like my entire life before . how pathetic can i be TSK . and i will be having geo tomorrow ! wish me all the best :) even if i know i wont pass geo , i at least want to score a two digit number . okay i want to talk about Titanic , read on if you are interested . if no than BYE ! anyways , Rose said this to Jack . " a womens heart is full of deep secrets just like the deep ocean ." okay yess i like that phrase ! hahaha okay bye . goodnight love .


9:45 PM